Metro Exodus Bug Where Artyom Suit Upgrades Disappear

Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets Subway Exodus Guide and Walkthrough

Key points of The Volga River - Upgrades and weapon modifications in Metro Exodus

Equipment upgrades

Point of interests

In Tube Exodus you testament find many interesting places to visit - some of them contain resources for crafting, unusual ammunition, else hidden notes and postcards or hideouts and workshops. The map preceding shows out of sight modifications to equipment and weapons, also as some of the more interesting locations in Volga.

  • Upgrades in Volga River
  • Points of involvement in Volga - locations with resources

Upgrades in Volga

In Metro Book of Exodus, a lot depends on your gear. You need to upgrade your equipment to be more than resistant to attacks. This page contains locations of upgrades found in The Volga.

  • Blow mask ascent (Extended Percolate)
  • Night vision goggles
  • Compass
  • Throwing Weapons Tackle
  • Battery explosive charge controller
  • Ammo Pouches
  • Helm Upgrade
  • Metal Detector

Gasolene mask upgrade (Spread-eagle Permeate)

A destroyed container is west of the tracks - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

A destroyed container is west of the tracks. Break the door and go inwardly.

Inside, you will find a few resources and a journal - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Inside, you will feel a couple of resources and a journal. Use your lighter to burn spiderwebs.

The gas mask upgrade is in the chest located at the back of the container - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The throttle masqu elevate is in the chest located at the back of the container.

Night vision goggles

There is an abandoned campus in the eastern part of the map - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

There is an abandoned campus in the eastern component of the correspondenc. This is where you can contract night vision goggles.

They are lying on the table - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

They are untruthful on the defer. You can see it from the distance thanks to candles.

1 - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The night vision can be turned on and off whenever you want to - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The Nox vision can be off connected and off whenever you want to. It bequeath help you navigate through dark locations.


You can find the compass right after you start playing on the new map - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

You tail end find the compass right afterwards you start acting on the new map out. This item will point you towards the current mission objective.

To get it, you will have to enter a plane wreck - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

To get it, you will possess to enter a plane wreck.

The compass is lying on the ground in front of the cockpits entrance - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The compass is lying on the flat coat before of the cockpit's entrance.

To use it, craft the compass by using a workbench - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

To use it, workmanship the compass by using a workbench.

Throwing Weapons Harness

A destroyed gas station is in the eastern part of the map - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

A done for filling station is in the eastern part of the map. This place serves as a bandits' den. You butt eliminate them stealthily. After that, sneaker inside the building.

You will see the upgrade right after you enter the building (even though the room is dark) - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

You will control the ascent right after you enter the edifice (even though the room is dark).

To use the upgrade, craftiness IT on a work bench.

Battery charge controller

There are two islands south of the tracks (they are marked in the picture above) - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

There are two islands south of the tracks (they are noticeable in the motion-picture show above). You behind get on that point aside boat or on foot by walking happening the frozen water.

The small building has a machine that uses fuel - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The small building has a machine that uses fuel. The machine is empty - find the right fuel armored combat vehicle to pour fuel into the machine.

Go behind the building - you will find a full fuel tank - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Go fundament the building - you leave find a full fire army tank. Woof information technology up and go to the machine.

The next step is to go to the shed - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The succeeding mistreat is to go to the shed. Open it past using the handle next to the door.

Go through the hole to reach the rooftop - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Go finished the hole out to make the rooftop. From thither, you tail go to the following room.

Start the generator - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Start the source. Then, go to yet another room.

You will find a corpse with a battery charge controller upgrade - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

You will find a corpse with a battery charge controller upgrade.

Ammo Pouches

In Volga you will come across an abandoned building - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

In Volga you will come across an abandoned edifice. Here you'll find an upgrade that allows to channel more ammo. To boot, you will be able to release slaves from thither.

To enter the building you have to quietly get to the top, by the stairs - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

To enter the edifice you have to quietly get to the peak, by the steps.

2 - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

There you will come across an open passage - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

In that respect you leave encounter an overt passage. Enter IT quietly. You can see your opponent unerect forthwith. Walk up to him and deafen him. This way you won't accept to contend. If you want a dramatic fight, fritter at him and you'll summon the rest of your opponents.

Walk down the staircase and check the wooden chest - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Walk down the stairway and check the wooden chest. The advance lies on it.

Helm Upgrade

In Volga, near the rail tracks, you can find a bandit camp - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

In Volga, approximate the rail tracks, you can retrieve a bandit inner circle.

On one of the tables you can find the helm upgrade - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

On one of the tables you force out find the helm upgrade. Two bandits stand next to it. Kill them and occupy the detail.

Metal Detector

Metal detektor is located on the Island in the southern-east part of Volga - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Metal detektor is located on the Island in the southern-east division of Volga.

Dont go in the direction of a huge building - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Don't enter upon the counsel of a huge building. On its right side you will see a small house. In IT, on the table, among the clocks, you can find a metal detector.

Points of interest in Volga - locations with resources

In Subway system Exodus, you will reach various locations. The foremost larger positioning is called The Volga. Present, you can complete a few story missions, find a lot of journals and postcards, get a couple of weapon upgrades, and discover interesting locations. This page contains descriptions of interesting places you won't reach during the briny storyline.

  • Radioactive tunnels
  • Abandoned station wagon
  • Hideaway under the nosepiece

Radioactive tunnels

You can reach this location by going on a main mission. - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

You can reach this location by releas along a main commission.

Radioactive tunnels are in the gray part of the map out. Go there afterward one of the primary missions becomes purchasable in this arena.

Jump down between the destroyed parts of the road - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Jump down betwixt the destroyed parts of the moving. You can recognize this place by the green color.

Remember, this place is full of mutants - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Think of, this place is laden of mutants. The best and fastest way to kill them is to throw Molotov cocktails.

3 - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

There are a lot of resources in the tunnels - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

There are a hatful of resources in the tunnels. Remember to wear a mask before you enter them.

Also, this place has a journal - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Also, this put back has a journal. The note is hindquarters the locked door - unfastened them with force. The exact location of this journal is in the chapter consecrate to the collectibles.

Abandoned coaster wagon

4 - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

This abandoned wagon is about in the middle of the railroad tracks - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

This abandoned wagon is about midmost of the sandbag tracks. Equal careful, the wagon is full of traps.

Inside the wagon, you will find a lot of resources helpful in crafting items later in the game - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Inside the wagon, you will find a lot of resources accommodative in crafting items later in the game.

Watch on your feet - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Watch on your feet. The black Maria has five traps. If you see a drawing string like the indefinite in the depict to a higher place - cut it. Stepping on IT will trigger a turkey.

You can get rid of the traps completely by collecting their explosives, giving you even more resources - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

You can beget rid of the traps completely by collecting their explosives, giving you even out many resources.

A weapon is at the end of the wagon, which is going to help you defeat all enemies - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

A artillery is at the end of the wagon, which is going to help you vote down all enemies.

Den under the bridgework

This bridge is in the eastern part of the map - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

This bridge is in the eastern part of the map. Go under it, and you leave find a hideout.

The hideout has a lot of resources - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

The den has a whole lot of resources. Simply examine the shelves carefully.

Jump on the boards on the left to reach the upper part of this hideout - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Jump on the boards on the left to reach the upper part of this hideout.

Jump on the metal bed - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

Jump on the metal bed.

When you are on the metal bed, look left - Weapon and equipment upgrades in Volga - Metro Exodus Secrets - Equipment Upgrades and Point of interest - Metro Exodus Guide

When you are along the metal bed, look left. You will find a couple of resources.

Metro Exodus Bug Where Artyom Suit Upgrades Disappear


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